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Events coming - Meditation Thursdays - March 11 Online Facebook Sales and Men’s Circle - March 12 Beading Bracelets and spiritual chat - March 13 Soundbath guided meditation - March 16 The Breakthrough Experience - April 6 Reiki Level 1 Certification Course
Events coming - Meditation Thursdays - March 11 Online Facebook Sales and Men’s Circle - March 12 Beading Bracelets and spiritual chat - March 13 Soundbath guided meditation - March 16 The Breakthrough Experience - April 6 Reiki Level 1 Certification Course

Jessica Kelner

Jessica has dedicated herself to the healing art of Reiki. So passionate she is I have to remind her not to take on the worlds problems. The more she practices the stronger her intuition is getting. Don't be surprised if she tells you something about yourself you never expected to hear. An extremely connected empathic with she is able to understand the issue quickly and able to offer a solid solution.

She truly brings out the good in everyone she meets. She has a firm understanding that there is a door to healing for every issue. She can help you see all sides of an issue, taking it head on knowing that you are strong enough to succeed. 

She is a Reiki Master under the Usui Reiki Ryoho system, a crystal healer and working oh her Shamanic healing practice. She is always open to learning all that she can to gain a stronger understanding of the healing arts.  She is an avid animal lover and a lover of life and all the possibilities it represents

 click here to make an appointment


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